The arsenal consists of the trusty Town Portal alongside spirited mounts. Within the realm of Diablo 4, numerous paths unveil themselves to traverse the vast lands of Sanctuary with swiftness. You have to know the location of every boss though.Delve into the secrets of fast travel in Diablo 4 as we unveil the precise whereabouts of each unlocked Waypoint, along with the enticing rewards awaiting intrepid players on this extraordinary journey. Instead of Echoing Fury, put Aether Walker in your cube. Boss mode is ez mode also with TV lightning hydra build. Lightning hydras alone can kill around 380-400 easily. Drop hydra on two spots, go afk, at half way timer, re-summon, go afk again. Not the normal TV hydra build, but a spd farm variant lightning hydra instead of frost, equip serpent wand, drop Deathwish from your cube, put something like Echoing Fury. you may be wearing Vyr from Haedrig’s Gift, but why wouldn’t you want to try out the new set, right?). If you’re having trouble as WW/rend barb, hydra wiz works fine too (I mean, it’s a new set. Don’t remember which as they are like 3 active users with people already gave tips on ‘how to’ find it. It was by one of the Tyrael portrait guy. Nah still not good enough in solo because you have to be in range to pull them in, and the damn things spawn too far out even in that tiny area. It’s gonna be a lot faster than levelling and gearing a DH from scratch. My advice, join a conquest community and ask for someone to join you or alert you when they’ve found the Cursed Peat in their game and then invite you in.

I was able to do it solo with Marauder DH because the sentries keep blasting Multishot alongside me, got ~400 kills on my first try. It’s because the WWBarb isn’t fast enough. In my experience, WWBarb isn’t that good solo with this type of event, since you need 350 kills and as you said they don’t spawn fast enough. Only one major event spawns in that area so just keep restarting the game until you get it, it won’t take you long. Meaning if you see another event like Burning Man or Lord of the Hill, then you won’t get the Cursed Peat in that game. It’s usually pretty close to the waypoint and it’s one of the exclusive-type events. However, it spawns in-game as a non-bounty far more often. It occasionally shows up as a bounty, but it’s rare. Fish for the Cursed Peat event in Paths of the Drowned, Act 5.